Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fun with friends!

My weekend was awesome! Friday, Amber, Megan, Emily, and Kiley came over and we watched 1 episode of psych. Than we had Chines food! ( that my daddio made ) than Amber had to go home! :(:( than we went and watched the scariest episode of psych ever! Kiley & Emily did not think it was scary at all! In my heart I know they were scared!! Than we watched Dear John! It started out really boring but I guess it was a pretty good movie! I was personally board! Than the next morning I woke up to my sister yelling and screaming about how she does not want to clean! Typical Megan! Than at 3 Amber took me down to Provo to go see a movie! We went and saw Rango! I think Amber and I both agree that it was a weird movie! Than we saw some friends at the mall and Costco! It was a very fun weekend!

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