Monday, May 2, 2011

Watch out Colorado! Here come the Naylor's:)

Well we had a fun time in Colorado over the weekend! It was short but we got to see some people that we have not seen in a while:) We had so much fun swimming and
hanging around with Grandma Holmes, and of course shopping! Our grandparents that
are on a mission got to come down, so it was good to see them!
Megan and Hadlie hanging in the pool!
Too many to name but lets just say, all those people are my family! Thats not even half!
My grandma and me:)
The kids splashing water on each other!
Cache & Allie
Meg and Me
Listening to Angela play the piano and Nicole play the flute! It took Grandma Holmes
breath away!
Cortney, Me, & Megan! They would not take the picture with out me in it:) Cutes girls ever!
Grandma Holmes & me
My family and Grandma Holmes before we had to leave:( :( Grandma Holmes was
devastated that we had to go! :(

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