Monday, July 18, 2011

Girls Camp!! :)

I had an amazing 2nd year at Girls Camp :) I loved every minute of it :) We slept in tents this year and yes that was an adventure!!! But it was all worth it :) I got no pictures of us at the lake but we did go and it was fun :) All I can say is I cant wait to see what will happen next year :)
Kiley in our tent, trying to pull an all nighter.... ya .... did not go so well :/
Lucy & Katie doing bunny ears to Amber and Katie's feet :)
Kiley on the challenge course
Amber on the Rope Swing
Chloe on the Rock Wall
Me & Brinley
HaHa!! Oh Genna Vee :) I love her :)
Our Tent People and our Tent name was Mary :) ( If you could not tell :) )
Me & Amber
Kiley :)

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